00:22:30 Angelet Mosely: Good evening everyone 00:33:29 Kathy’s iPad: no 00:34:57 Angelet Mosely: That's good. There is NO condemnation 00:35:52 Kathy’s iPad: I have video 00:36:13 Sophia Tucker: Fantastic Kathy 00:40:04 Lisa Porter: are there any evening small groups? 00:40:59 Lisa Porter: thank you 00:42:12 Madeline H: How do I locate or contact the small groups?From the website or t Facebooke 00:42:53 Sophia Tucker: beth@tapestryofbeautyministries.com 00:43:01 Madeline H: Thank You! 00:43:26 Lisa Porter: where can I get Sophia’s book? 00:44:04 Lisa Porter: 👍 00:44:38 Darlene: When are we supposed to complete week 1 in the book? 00:45:21 Cindy-Tapestry of Beauty: https://www.amazon.com/Renewing-Mind-101-Sophia-Tucker/dp/1686875797/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=sophia+tucker&qid=1602549008&sr=8-2 00:45:30 Cindy-Tapestry of Beauty: This is the link to get her book. 00:47:11 Darlene: So is today Day 1? 00:47:22 Sophia Tucker: Yes it is 00:47:25 Debbie Kuhn: So we are doing week one daily plan in addition to each days study? 00:47:38 Darlene: Thank you Sophia. I good to go then. 00:49:12 Kathy Birkenshaw: Page 2 Shows what scriptures to read and to journal on what you hear from the Lord about the scriptures for that day. 00:50:22 Kathy Birkenshaw: Hi Sophia ! 00:53:09 Linda Markley: what is sound clouds 00:53:24 Kathy Birkenshaw: Affirmations are also on You Tube, Sophia Tucker Renewing the Mind. 00:54:10 Sophia Tucker: https://m.soundcloud.com/user-535341093/week1-affirmations-rtm101?fbclid=IwAR1wmw1Sc4-SduEPblvK1_HYyxwHIK9_JDTFkdNNBZRG2rkzPm_-Qg377Mo 00:59:26 Roseann Eells: can you show front cover of journal so I know I ordered the correct one. Thanks 😊 01:00:00 Sophia Tucker: Hi Roseann was it the health or non health version? 01:02:45 Kathy Birkenshaw: AMEN! SOo true! 01:05:58 Roseann Eells: which one are we using for this study? 01:07:37 Carissa Gagnon: I am still praying on it. My mind dump page took 2 pages. 01:07:41 Cindy-Tapestry of Beauty: It is the 12 week one. It is green. 01:07:50 Cindy-Tapestry of Beauty: The Journal 01:09:30 Edie and Sophia: To overcome the mountain I am choosing by renewing my mind. To build an even closer relationship with my Father, Jesus and my Spirit, all within me. 01:10:33 Linda Markley: how do you the message is from him not yourself or others 01:11:32 Linda Markley: thank you 01:11:44 Edie and Sophia: I wrote mine above 01:13:31 Sophia Tucker: Amen! 01:15:52 Kathy Birkenshaw: Games on my iPad 01:15:55 Rebecca’s iPad: Pinterest 01:16:21 Sophia Tucker: I am still here x 01:16:28 Linda Markley: television 01:16:39 Lisa Porter: barb raveling has a good study on procrastination 01:17:03 Roseann Eells: 👍😊 01:18:02 Kathy Birkenshaw: I'm working on the daily schedule, writing down what I do through each day. 01:18:41 Kathy Birkenshaw: I believe it's going to help me balance my time and manage it better. 01:18:47 Carissa Gagnon: sound cloud 01:18:59 Carissa Gagnon: nice little ear piece 01:19:23 Debbie Kuhn: I have routines that happen at the same time most days. It's hard to schedule my days around being on call for our business. 01:19:48 Newby: I listened to Sophia's Youtube while getting ready for work. It is great! 01:20:12 Sophia Tucker: 💙 01:21:46 Edie and Sophia: Thank you Beth 01:22:36 Cindy-Tapestry of Beauty: team@tapestryofbeautyministries.com 01:23:02 Cindy-Tapestry of Beauty: cindy@tapestryofbeautyminstries.com 01:25:51 Cindy-Tapestry of Beauty: https://learn.tapestryofbeautyministries.com/ 01:28:13 Robin Cole: I did send email to switch. are you behind? or should I send another email.