00:15:52 Isis Mulleman: Belgium, yoga 00:15:59 Hannnes Hinkelmann: Kiel, Qigong 00:16:02 Iulia Grosman: Brussels Acrobatics! 00:16:03 AmyWillshire: Amy, London UK, Dramatherapy 00:16:06 Hannnes Hinkelmann: Germany 00:16:06 annatall: Glasgow, Authentic Movement 00:16:11 geralien: Netherlands, 5 rhythms 00:16:12 Norwin: Germany, Parkour 00:16:16 Signe: Sweden Nia technique 00:16:21 nick: Aussie in Italy - Vipassana, 00:16:21 Alison Carter-Goulden: London, tai chi, integral coach 00:16:22 Hannnes Hinkelmann: kiel, north germany 00:16:28 Nathalie Fari: Sweden, yoga, meditation, 5 rhythms, improvisation and performance 00:16:30 christine carson: Fife Scotland Mindfulness 00:16:31 Galaxy S6: Dublin in bed lol. not showing mark my hair 00:16:37 Миша С.: Moscow, dance 00:16:37 Marcelina: Netherlands, Yoga/Movement?dance 00:16:38 Desna Tatler: Brighton UK yoga/meditation/mindfulness 00:16:40 Anne: Brussels, Mindfulness 00:16:41 maja: Slovenia, living in Malaysia 00:16:41 charlotte: Belgium, meditation and yoga 00:16:43 jjb: Bali! astanga yoga and 5Rhythms! 00:16:45 carin: Sweden, meditation 00:16:59 Julia Lyashenko: russia tai-chi, dance 00:17:01 maja: Slovenia, living in Malaysia yoga/meditation/mindfulness 00:17:04 jjb: bad connection here ! 00:17:04 Richard Schut: Germany (Berlin/Leipzig) - impro theater with nonviolent communication and body awarness 00:17:05 Valerie: Ireland 00:17:10 Janine Greenhow: South Yorkshire, Somatic Movement Educator, Pilates, Physiotherapy 00:18:00 Lawino: Sweden - yoga/dance 00:19:10 Tinka: lithuania - applied theatre 00:20:29 Isis Mulleman: highlights 00:21:24 Valerie: Yes 00:22:39 nick: me 00:22:48 Alison Carter-Goulden: me 00:23:47 Iulia Grosman: Positive feedback and reinforcement ! Yeah! 00:25:15 Hannnes Hinkelmann: Can you say the name again; Paul who? didnt get that part 00:25:20 Isis Mulleman: paul linden 00:25:23 Hannnes Hinkelmann: thx 00:25:27 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: Paul Linden 00:27:54 Kalpanago: Hi me from India... 00:28:24 Daniela Welzel: Wow india, awseome 00:28:39 Kalpanago: there is no sound ? 00:28:50 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: Stuart Harris in the facebook group 00:30:40 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: He can help with finding people near you 00:32:51 Ron de Brito: Schedule time in between the sessions for movement, Nature etc 00:33:07 Tinka: How can I switch on my camera? 00:33:10 Iulia Grosman: PDF version of the schedule ? 00:33:37 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: you'll receive a daily schedule each day 00:33:46 christinecarson: its quite a practice to wish each other well as you see faces in front of you. Focus on a face and wish them well. 00:34:16 Anna Panster: Are there yesterday’s video recordings available anywhere? I’ve read about RESOURCES, but I don’t see anything there. 00:34:25 per erez: great idea, Christine Carson! 👍🏽 00:34:27 Sheila: Can we see/hear the schedule from yesterday please? 00:34:44 Signe: Thanks for the daily mail with zoom code - makes everything very easy! 00:34:47 jacquelineding: Tinka, on the lower left corner there should be a camera sign, next to the microphone sign. if it’s crossed out, then you can click on it and it shuld come on 00:35:25 AmyWillshire: Is the whole schedule available to see? This would help with my timetabling rather than always waiting for the day 00:36:00 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: schedule: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/embodiment-conference-2018/ 00:36:06 AmyWillshire: Thank you 00:36:37 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: Resources page: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/embodiment-conference-2018-resources/ 00:36:47 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: Which you receive in the welcome email when you register 00:36:55 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: this has the recordings, the schedule, and other info 00:37:30 Valerie: IF we miss a session how can we go back to listen? will there be a link to those for a period of time afterwards? 00:39:02 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: the recordings are up generally within 24 hours of the call, available up to a week after the conference. again, the link is in the resources page 00:39:15 Valerie: Arabella, you just said the link you posted will bring us to the recordings 00:39:37 Valerie: Snap we were typing at the same time, tks :o) 00:39:48 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: yes, the resources page has everything you need 00:41:35 Valerie: Many thanks 00:41:35 Janaina: excited 00:42:30 AmyWillshire: I like the mixture 00:43:31 Signe: I´m looking for the unexpected - I want to be surprised! 00:48:13 Galaxy S6: felt quite emotional being open . thank you 00:48:18 annatall: Receiving more of myself! 00:48:19 christinecarson: Trust emergence 00:48:36 Lawino: inspiration to new directions in work and life! 00:48:39 Galaxy S6: dance 00:48:45 jacquelineding: getting to know myself better 00:48:49 Chris: becoming a bit more yang 00:49:01 Iulia Grosman: experience - share and receive - with all this people ready to create/join a nice community 00:49:10 Christopher Yip: Acceptance 00:49:45 charlotte: find ways for myself to be more connected to my body and my inner world 00:50:53 charlotte: and explore new ways to connect to myself that I can also share with coachees later 00:51:00 Nicola: little practical cheats to share! 😁 00:51:03 Karen Ofosu: Opening to more emotional expression and flow // Also learning to hold and transmute intense feelings 00:51:07 Signe: To find out where I´m needed - and be welcomed there. 00:51:26 carin: Come into my body 00:52:41 Ian Lawton: who was the yang best coach in the world guy!? 00:53:14 Ian Lawton: thanks 00:53:19 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: Joseph Riggio 00:55:48 AmyWillshire: I had thought about the wings before but not the legs being like a starfish 00:56:10 AmyWillshire: I like the massage heart bit too 00:56:13 per erez: what I love about that is the fact arms move in front plane, but start in the back body, and vice verse with legs. 00:57:31 Isis Mulleman: nice though Per Erez 00:57:59 Elena Fossati: YES! JON AND HELENE 00:58:00 Миша С.: i did starfish before, but as a gesture to the outer world, not regarding the joy in the inner center it gives 00:59:25 charlotte: christopher who? 00:59:38 per erez: Wallis 01:00:09 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: Christopher Wallis 01:02:05 Iulia Grosman: super! 01:02:37 charlotte: thank you 01:07:06 annatall: Wendy Palmer 01:07:27 Ian Lawton: didn’t get round to it really 01:07:29 Nathalie Fari: Ken Wilber 01:07:31 lindsay hanson: Susanna and Jakob 01:07:45 annatall: I recommended Ya’acov and Susannah Darling Khan and Karen Studd 01:07:46 Iulia Grosman: I was advicing tom weksler ;) 01:07:52 Ian Lawton: i did mention ken 01:07:58 Isis Mulleman: Karen Studd yes :-) 01:08:03 Elena Fossati: In italian we have some problem to translate Embodiment and so we use it in English. It’s interesting and funny. And it’s funny that coach, dancemovemnttherapist (I’m a dancemovementtherapist), yoga teacher say: “Yoga is embodiment, DMT is embodiment,…” but I think, that all is in the body… we live here with our body…”. I’m sorry for my english!!!!!! 01:08:04 per erez: who is the hanna Somatic Practitioner you mentioned? 01:08:04 Ian Lawton: very impressed you got him 01:08:21 per erez: 👍🏽 01:08:42 jacquelineding: i recommend gayatri too! 01:10:15 Hannnes Hinkelmann: anybody has a special suggestion for a very good speaker who focuesses on dealing with deep surpressed emotions, memories from childhood? 01:10:24 lindsay hanson: thanks for introduction - very helpful 01:10:24 Isis Mulleman: trauma track? 01:10:25 courtneyfoon: Is Qoya an embodiment practice? I’m new to all this 01:10:30 Chris: thank you!! 🙂 01:10:34 Ian Lawton: lovely to meet people in the breakout 01:10:35 lindsay hanson: Also love the breakout rooms 01:10:41 christinecarson: Just that this is truly amazing Thank you 01:10:44 charlotte: THANK YOU for all of this Mark & team!! what a gift 01:10:47 Svetlana Bradacova: I just connected when small group was on. I wanted to share my feeling about small groups. I found them GREAT for synchronicity merging. 01:10:52 christinecarson: Love the breakout rooms too. 01:10:55 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: bodywork, dance, yoga, therapy, martial arts, theatre 01:11:18 Isis Mulleman: @Hannes: you might want to look at the trauma track 01:11:20 AmyWillshire: Dramatherapy: Mary Smail - Sesame movement therapy Matthew Trustman - he runs sensory retreats Dr Laura Wood - Embodying The Dis-Embodied: Dramatherapy Interventions For Every Stage Of Eating Disorder Treatment 01:11:23 Hannnes Hinkelmann: thank you 01:11:48 courtneyfoon: Ooo the founder 01:11:51 courtneyfoon: of Qoya 01:11:57 Nicola: that’s awesome!! Qoya yeah!! 01:12:03 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: Can you type the name? I don't know the spelling :) 01:12:19 Iulia Grosman: is there specific speaker I missed tackling the subject of "failure" (or inexistance of failure) by any chance ? (in movement, emotional, any discipline?) 01:12:21 Nicola: and yes qoya is embodiment 01:12:40 Nicola: I am a Qoya teacher in Australia! 😊 01:12:44 Valerie: Yes intereested also on a speaker who focuesses on dealing with deep surpressed emotions, memories from childhood? 01:12:58 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: theatre and improv track probably good for failure :) 01:13:19 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: therapy track probably good for deep emotions, childhood experiences 01:13:33 Valerie: great thank you 01:13:50 Iulia Grosman: Rachel blackman? 01:14:12 Arabella Smirnova-Beroskin: yes 01:14:16 Iulia Grosman: super! 01:14:19 Lilian Romme: Thank you for setting up this webinar, very interesting as a new comer 01:14:32 annatall: thanks 01:14:35 Svetlana Bradacova: where to find link to Pilar from the morning? 01:14:37 stephanmarchant: Thanks Mark for this super initiative!!!! 01:14:42 Iulia Grosman: Thank youu 01:14:43 Anne: Thanks to all! Looking forward to the next sessions! 01:14:45 per erez: great day all! thanks Mark, Daniela! 01:14:50 Monica Gracia: Thanks 01:14:52 Iulia Grosman: I am taking a real break and will be back later in the day!