Welcome to this task “Course Progress Page”. In this task, what we're really going to be making is a page that just has everything that you need to continue, and to mark your progress through, this online course. So think of this as like a cupboard that's got everything you need to crack on with the course. And you can use this template for any creative project. But the thing we're doing together here is the Bullet Journal course, so that seems like the ideal case study, if you like, for this idea of like a project progress page. The first thing is just obviously some basic information like the title of the course; the URL where you go to view the course materials; your login details - username and password - and the start and end dates for the course. And that just saves you an annoying ”I can't find my password” or ”when was this supposed to be starting”... just have that information to hand, straight at the top of the page. And that goes for any creative project, not just this one. And now I'm just running through and creating sections on the page corresponding to each of the sections of the course and you'll see this exact layout is all in PDF download below and I'm just sort of doing an analogue, hand-written, sped-up version of that so that you can see the process. Now, I've just abbreviated the names of each of the sections because my names are quite long and I'm just saving you some time. You don't have to write everything out longhand. You just need to be able to keep track of where you are in the course. And then within each section, I'm creating check-boxes using the dot-grid as a guide. And the checkboxes are “did I watch the videos”, did I download the stuff I'm supposed to do”? The name for each task is just its number - like this one is 01.3. And then I've added checkboxes for some of the optional stuff like the weekly live session, which you are invited to join and I've also made a space to put a page number for each of the different tasks once you've completed them and that will just let you find your way around those tasks in your journal. So we’re sort of creating a mini-index, which lets you find what you've done, and make your way around your progress really easily. I've also just added in my email address - knitsonik@outlook.com - at the top there, so that if any questions arise, again, you just know exactly where to write. You don't have to go hunting for an email address. And my little question to myself is “Dear Felix, is it necessary to write ‘COMPLETE TASK’ every time?” And the answer is “NO!” and that's because when I was shooting this video, I was sort of making it up as I went along and I put ‘Complete Task’ for each task and then realised halfway through that this involved unnecessary writing out of the word ‘Complete’ and you don't need to do that at all, which is why I've left it out of your PDF download. I wanted to keep the error in, in the spirit of anti-perfectionism, but I also don't want to encourage any of you to waste your time pointlessly writing out the word ‘Complete’ all over this page. I'm just stamping some little rosettes here, so that when I reach the end of this, I'll have checked off all the tasks, and all the checkboxes; I'll feel really pleased with myself, and I can just colour-in those rosettes and feel a great sense of achievement for having got to the end of the KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling Course. As before, this decorative step is completely optional and it's down to your own style and taste. And, as before, in the previous task. I'm just making a little tab so I can easily locate this page. Just a little dot sticker. But you can do the same with a folded-over a piece of washi tape. And once again, I'm going to the Index and I'm putting in the Index, “Course Progress Page” and so that's it. Your Course Progress Page is done. You should have everything you need to keep track of where you are, and we can keep coming back here and checking things off as we go through the course. Looking forward to seeing you for the next section of KNITSONIK Bullet Journaling and Well Done for creating your Course Progress Page!