INSERT INTO stores(store_id, city) VALUES (1, 'San Francisco') select * from stores -- You can see that one row has been inserted INSERT INTO stores(store_id, city) VALUES (2, 'New York City') select * from stores -- Both rows are now in our table -- COMMIT; We don't need commit in APEX, statements are automatically committed. INSERT INTO stores(store_id, city) VALUES (3, 'Chicago') -- Faster Way to insert into a table INSERT ALL INTO stores (store_id, city) VALUES (4, 'Philadelphia') INTO stores (store_id, city) VALUES (5, 'Boston') INTO stores (store_id, city) VALUES (6, 'Seattle') SELECT * FROM DUAL; SELECT store_id, count(*) from stores group by store_id -- The code below does not work because we cannot insert NULL into store_id INSERT ALL INTO stores (store_id, city) VALUES (NULL, 'Philadelphia') INTO stores (store_id, city) VALUES (NULL, 'Boston') INTO stores (store_id, city) VALUES (NULL, 'Seattle') SELECT * FROM DUAL;