Part 1 What is a Sequence === Stacey: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Future Fiction Academy and our class on building better sequences for Raptor Write. Now in this class, we're going to work on building sequences of prompts. You've probably heard us talk about sequences in the Future Fiction Academy before, if you've listened to some of our YouTube videos or other classes. All that a sequence is, is simply a pre planned series of prompts that create something at the end. It can create better characters. A stronger outline, prose that sounds more like you, or has better dialogue. Essentially, a sequence has a goal in mind and then uses multiple prompts in order to get to that goal. If any of you have taken my short story class, I give you a sequence of [00:01:00] prompts that takes us from general story idea And from that, we build off of it to create characters, story world, outline, and then eventually write prose for the short story. And our goal is to write a short story. And there are several steps in there. And then we save that preplanned series of prompts that we can use over and over again. So that's all we're doing here. And this is not a prescribed, like, we are not making characters in this. What I am going to do is show you the process that I use, and that, in some variation or other, Elizabeth, Steph, other members of the Future Fiction Academy, Here use in order to plan out their own sequences for use either in Raptor, right? Or if you're a member of the Future Fiction Academy, we [00:02:00] have a software program called Rexy, which can do the sequencing automatically. It works with either, or you can use this inside of OpenAI's Playground, Claude Workbench, or any of the chat interfaces. Like I said, we're just going to save these and be able to run them over and over. The benefit of a sequence is it gets you to your end result much faster. Rather than going back and forth, And kind of figuring it out each time, you have a roadmap. It's not perfect. Of course, you still have to kind of refine your answer and you have to validate it each time. This is not a plug it in and, you know, outcomes the perfect answer each time. You have to read, you may have to go back and forth, but you have a system that kind of works each time. So you're not reinventing the wheel. With each new character, with [00:03:00] each new outline, it also gives you a more standard process to follow, which again, saves time because instead of going down blind alleys, trying something new, oops, that didn't work, let's try this next time, tweaking your wording, Because if anything we've learned, changing out one word for another can sometimes make a big difference. And if you've kind of perfected that or done all that trial and error, why go and change it next time? If we save these sequences, and again, you can save it as a project in RaptorWrite. You can save it inside of Evernote or Notion, or just save it inside of a notecard or notebook. But if you save this, you can rerun it again and again. You probably have to tweak it over time as you go. Models change, or genre expectations change. But this [00:04:00] makes it much easier. It's the AI equivalent of not starting with a blank page. This might not be for everyone. Some people love starting from a blank page. Some people love just having an idea and going back and forth. But if you want a more structured way of going back and forth with the AI, of going from ideas to more in depth characters, to um, a story world, to making sure you have all the rules of your magic system, Or whatever your goal is in this class, we're going to help map that out, create your own sequence test it and save it for future use. With that being said, we're going to go slowly, step by step, and we're going to start by creating our goal in the next video. So, we'll see you there.