en clock set 10:11:00 May 29 2013 terminal history size 256 config t hostname R1 enable password cisco enable secret student service password-encrption banner motd # ! NO TRESPASSING ! # ip domain-lookup ip domain-name cisco.com ip name-server crypto key generate rsa 1024 ip ssh time-out 120 ip ssh authentication-retries 3 username ldiaz privilege 15 password 0 cisco line con 0 password cisco login local exec-time out 0 0 loggin synchronous line vty 0 15 password cisco transport input ssh login local exec-timeout 0 0 logging synchronous exit int f0/0 ip address description connection to LAN no shut int s0/0 ip address clock rate 4000000 description connection to R2 bandwidth 64 no shut exit exit copy run start ------------------------------------- telnet ssh -l ldiaz