Package name : Converter Iflow name : Convert JSON to XML Sender http path: /convert_json_to_xml ------------------- Convert JSON to XML ------------------- Source payload: { "row": [ { "CustomerID": "ALFKI", "Country": "Germany" }, { "CustomerID": "BLAUS", "Country": "Germany" } ] } Target payload: ALFKI Germany BLAUS Germany ----------------------------------------- Convert JSON to XML with namespace prefix ----------------------------------------- Source payload: { "row": [ { "CustomerID": "ALFKI", "Country": "Germany" }, { "CustomerID": "BLAUS", "Country": "Germany" } ] } xmlns:ns0=urn:practical-sap-ci:learn;xmlns:ns1= Target payload: ALFKI Germany BLAUS Germany ------------------------- Convert JSON array to XML ------------------------- Source payload: [ { "CustomerID": "ALFKI", "Country": "Germany" }, { "CustomerID": "BLAUS", "Country": "Germany" } ] -------------------------------------------------- Convert JSON to XML without "Add XML Root Element" -------------------------------------------------- Source payload: { "nsX:MT_Customer": { "row": [ { "CustomerID": "ALFKI", "Country": "Germany" }, { "CustomerID": "BLAUS", "Country": "Germany" } ] } } Target payload: ALFKI Germany BLAUS Germany ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convert JSON to XML without "Add XML Root Element" and with "Use Namespace Mapping" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source payload: { "nsX:MT_Customer": { "row": [ { "CustomerID": "ALFKI", "Country": "Germany" }, { "CustomerID": "BLAUS", "Country": "Germany" } ] } } Target payload: ALFKI Germany BLAUS Germany --------------------------------------------------- Convert JSON to XML with empty value and null value --------------------------------------------------- Source payload: { "row": [ { "CustomerID": "ALFKI", "Country": "" }, { "CustomerID": "BLAUS", "Country": null } ] } Target payload: ALFKI BLAUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Convert JSON with root JSON object contains more than one member to XML ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Source payload: { "status": "success", "count": 2 } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Convert JSON with name start with number, contains space, <, >, & and chars not accepted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source payload: { "status": "success", "count": 2, "1st_option": "this", "last name": "Peter", "test<>&x#$%^*()": "test chars" } ----------------------------------- Convert JSON to XML with attributes ----------------------------------- Source payload: { "row": [ { "@rating": "A", "CustomerID": "ALFKI", "Country": "Germany" }, { "@rating": "B", "CustomerID": { "@attr1": "111", "@attr2": "222", "$": "BLAUS" }, "Country": "Germany" } ] } Target payload: ALFKI Germany BLAUS Germany