------------------ Postman -> HttpBin ------------------ POST to https://httpbin.org/anything 1) At Postman, Body, choose "form-data", add below: name = file1, browse from file 'hello.txt' name = file2, browse from file 'image-1.jpg' name = dept, value = 'HR' name = status, value = 'active' 2) See the Postman code snippet (HTTP) 3) Shift order: file1, dept, file2, status 4) See the boundary 5) See Content-Type 6) See the hypen count. Compare the hypen count between: (a) boundary (b) each part (c) after last part 7) At each part, see the empty line before each value 8) At each part, see the Content-Disposition, name and filename 9) At each part, see the Content-Type (different from header's Content-Type) Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIME https://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13 ---------------------------------------- FormData_View (FormData_View) ---------------------------------------- Package name : FormData Iflow name : FormData_View Sender http path: /FormData_View ---------------------------------------- FormData_View (Text Field and Text File) ---------------------------------------- 1) Post to iFlow FormData_View 2) At Postman, Body, choose "form-data", add below: name = file1, browse from file 'hello.txt' name = dept, value = 'HR' 3) See the body and header content-type ---------------------------------------- FormData_View (Text File Only) ---------------------------------------- 1) Post to iFlow FormData_View 2) At Postman, Body, choose "form-data", add below: name = file1, browse from file 'hello.txt' name = file2, browse from file 'people-100.csv' 3) See the body and header content-type ----------------------------------------- FormData_View (Text File and Binary File) ----------------------------------------- 1) Post to iFlow FormData_View 2) At Postman, Body, choose "form-data", add below: name = file1, browse from file 'hello.txt' name = file2, browse from file 'image-1.jpg' 3) See the body and header content-type --------------------------------------------- FormData_Passthrough_to_HttpBin --------------------------------------------- Package name : FormData Iflow name : FormData_Passthrough_to_HttpBin Sender http path: /FormData_Passthrough_to_HttpBin Receiver http : https://httpbin.org/anything Passthrough, pass body and header Content-Type to HttpBin. 1) Post to iFlow FormData_Passthrough_to_HttpBin 2) At Postman, Body, choose "form-data", add below: name = file1, browse from file 'hello.txt' name = file2, browse from file 'image-1.jpg' 3) Allow header Content-Type 4) take image base64 encoded string, decode it back to binary, save as out-image-1.jpg. 5) Verify image can be viewed, nothing corrupted.