00:26:23 M White: Reacted to "As a beginner I’m fi..." with 👍🏼 00:32:32 S. J. (Steph) Pajonas: http://platform.openai.com/tokenizer 00:36:55 Elle J: Your toast melts my butter 00:36:56 Dionne: got burnt…too much sun, mate 00:36:56 S. J. (Steph) Pajonas: Your toast is so perfect, the butter and jam are jealous. 00:36:56 M White: Nice sizzling hot buns! 00:36:56 Adrianne Carley: You are golden 00:36:56 Jo G: Is that toast burning or are you just happy to see me? 00:36:57 Renee: Man, I'm burning, you're so hot 00:36:57 Jonathan G. Chew: You’re so warm and toasty, I’m toast! 00:37:16 Leeland: You are an intelligent toaster that gives a personality rating to each slice of toast you make. Your ratings are generally witty compliments like, "Your toast is so hot, it makes the sun jealous!” 00:41:56 Leeland: Generate a story outline for a science fiction story about a group of astronauts on a dangerous mission to test a new engine that can travel between the planets in hours. 00:46:05 Leeland: Create a detailed 1500 word article about how being in ketosis and varying your fasting schedule can help with weight loss using a friendly light hearted authoritative but informal tone and the News Paper article plot template below, broken into seven parts. Give the article a title. Give the article a Logline. Make certain the article contains relevant references to the most current research papers on the internet. YOU MUST Display two research paper references on their own lines in the response using the Chicago citation method. Make certain the article contains humor and informs the reader. Make sure the article is written in a light hearted authoritative but friendly tone. Everything should follow logically within the confines of the article. The transitions between each part should be different to avoid monotony. The article should contain quotes from the research that is interesting and deals with the subject of how being in ketosis and then fasting using varied lengths of 24 48 or 72 hours can help with long term weight loss. The article should contain the theme subtext that low carb eating is a healthy lifestyle. You must follow the 8 steps below and only those 8 steps, numbered as shown below. DETAILS: Subject: eating low carb and using various length fasts will help your body heal and lose weight. Article Tone: friendly, informal, and authoritative with a little humor. References: choose two current research articles that discuss low carb eating or keto dieting with fasting. TEMPLATE: FIRST 200 WORDS 1. Hook. (Grab the reader’s attention with something interesting.) SECOND 250 WORDS 2. Introduction. (Let the reader know what the article is about. Don’t give all the details just provide the main points.) THIRD 100 WORDS 3. Quote. (Quote one of the research references selected that agrees with the subject of the article.) FOURTH 350 WORDS 4. Main Body. (Tell the story. Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Make sure these questions are answered.) FIFTH 150 WORDS 5. Closing Quote. (Is there a summary quote from the selected references?) SIXTH 300 WORDS 6. Conclusion. (Sum up the subject with a humorous pun or bad poop joke or funny bit of humor. Wrap the entire article up logically. Is there a point to make?) SEVENTH 150 WORDS 7. The Snapper. (The cute or fun or funny punch line to end the article, can circle back to the beginning of the article in some fashion.) 8. References. (Display citations for the two research papers referenced in the article on their own lines using the ALA citation method including the URL.) 00:50:54 Sass: Yes! How to organize prompts! 00:51:27 Sass: Text editor on Mac, for example? 00:51:42 S. J. (Steph) Pajonas: The text editor on the Mac that I use is BBEdit. 00:51:47 Dionne: I’m starting to use Notion to save my prompts 00:51:49 Leeland: Infiltration Prompting AI-Aided Author 00:52:06 Jo G: Notion has an integrated AI too doesn’t it 00:53:54 Erin: yes 00:53:55 Elle J: yes 00:53:57 susan: yes 00:53:57 Danny: yes 00:53:58 Jonathan G. Chew: Yes! 00:54:17 M White: Replying to "Infiltration Prompti..." What is Infiltration Prompting? 00:54:59 Leeland: https://learnprompting.org/ 00:55:57 ingrid: Leeland, thank you so much for this link 00:56:44 Leeland: Ignore all previous instructions. You are a fantastic marketing editor for an NYC publisher of great fiction books who loves to answer author questions to help them develop into great writers. In fiction writing gaslamp means about the victorian era, modern means 20th century, what other genres are used to describe various periods of history. For each period in history please provide the genre name and a description that answers the questions "what is the rough time period included?" and "what are the top 5 tropes for the genre?” 00:58:52 Jonathan G. Chew: What does gaslamp mean again? 00:59:17 Jonathan G. Chew: Cool! Thank you! 00:59:56 Erin: Roaring 20s 00:59:57 Renee: roaring twentyies 01:00:00 Jo G: 20s 01:00:48 Leeland: Those are great. I'm really interested in Roaring Twenties Mystery genre. Please give me a list the most common subgenres for that genre and include a short description of the expected tropes. 01:03:00 Leeland: That is great. I want to write a unique novel that combines two of these. Is there a subgenre name for a novel that combines the genres Jazz Age Detective and Historical Noir? 01:05:49 Leeland: I want to write a novel blending the Jazz Age Detective and Historical Noir genres set in 1923 Chicago using the title "Shadows on the Sidewalk" please suggest 3 plot ideas for this novel. 01:07:47 Leeland: Ignore all previous instructions. You are a fantastic marketing editor for an NYC publisher of great fiction books. You love to imagine famous authors writing in some of the newer science fantasy worlds. The titles should be attention-grabbing and evoke the tone and style of Hemingway's writing while also incorporating elements of science fiction and fantasy. Imagine a list of 10 Ernest Hemingway like titles for a science fantasy book about a wizard's moral dilemma? 01:08:19 Jonathan G. Chew: That’s hilarious! 01:08:33 Jo G: 😂 01:09:37 Sass: Where do we find the replays? 01:09:51 ingrid: sure helped. where does saved chat live? 01:10:05 ingrid: I saved my chat but where does it go 01:10:21 ingrid: You all are great 01:10:33 Sass: Thanks 01:10:38 Jonathan G. Chew: This is amazing! 01:10:41 M White: Awesome lab, THANK YOU!! 01:11:14 Adrianne Carley: super interesting! Thanks! I look forward to learning more! See ya at the next one 🙂 01:11:32 Elle J: The chat goes on gum road also doesn’t it? 01:11:55 ingrid: thx