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Abd. Aberd. Aberdeensh. abl. Abol. Aborig. Abp. Abr. Abridg. Abridgem. Absol. Abst. abstr. Acad. acc. Accomm. Accompl. Accs. Acct. Accts. accus. Achievem. Addit. Addr. adj. phr. adj. adjs. Adm. Admin. Admir. Admon. Admonit. Adv. Advancem. advb. Advoc. advs. Advt. Advts. Aerodynam. Aeronaut. Aff. Afr. Agric. agst. al. Alch. Alg. Alleg. Allit. Alm. Alph. alt. Am. Amer. Anal. Analyt. Anat. Anc. Anecd. Ang. Angl. Anglo-Ind. Anim. Ann. Anniv. Annot. Answ. Anthrop. Anthropol. Antiq. aphet. Apoc. Apol. Appl. Applic. appos. approx. Apr. apt. Arb. Archaeol. Archipel. Archit. arg. Argt. Arith. Arithm. Ariz. Arrangem. Artific. Artill. Ashm. Assemb. Assoc. Assyriol. Astr. Astrol. Astron. Att. Attrib. Aug. Austral. Auth. Autobiog. Autobiogr. Ayrsh. B.C. B.F. B.V. bankr. Bacteriol. Bedfordsh. bef. Belg. Berks. Berksh. Berw. Berwicksh. betw. Bibliogr. Biochem. Biog. Biogr. Biol. Bk. Bks. Bld. Bldg. Bp. Br. Braz. Brig. Bs. Bucks. Bull. Bur. c. f. c. C.A. C.E.O. C.F.O. C.P.A. C.V. ca. Cal. Calc. Calend. Calif. Calligr. Camb. Cambr. Campanol. Canad. Canterb. cap. Capt. Cartogr. Catal. Catech. Cath. Cent. Ceram. Cert. Certif. cf. Ch. Hist. Ch. Chamb. Char. Charac. Chas. Chem. Engin. Chem. Chesh. Chr. Chron. Chronol. Chrons. Cia. Cinematogr. Cir. Circ. Civ. Engin. cl. Class. Antiq. Class. Classif. Climatol. Clin. Cmnd. co. cogn. w. Col. Coll. colloq. Coloss. Com. comb. form Comb. Combs. Comm. Law Comm. Commandm. Commerc. Commiss. Commonw. Communic. Comp. Anat. Comp. Compan. compar. Compend. compl. Compos. conc. Conch. Concl. concr. Conf. Confid. Confl. Confut. Congr. Congreg. conj. Conn. cons. Consc. Consecr. Consid. Consol. const. Constit. Hist. Constit. Constr. Contemp. Contempl. Contin. contr. Contrib. Controv. Conv. Conversat. Convoc. Cor. Cornw. Coron. Corp. Corr. Corresp. Counc. Courtsh. cpd. Craniol. Craniom. Crim. Law Crim. Crit. Crt. Crts. Cryptogr. Crystallogr. Ct. CU. FT. CU. IN. CU.FT. CU.IN. Cumb. Cumberld. Cumbld. Cycl. Cytol. D.C. Dan. dat. Dau. Deb. Dec. Declar. Ded. Def. Defs. Deliv. dem. Demonstr. Dep. Depred. Depredat. Dept. Derbysh. deriv. derog. Descr. Deut. Devel. Devonsh. dial. Dict. Diffic. Dis. Disc. Discipl. Discov. Discrim. Diss. Dist. Distemp. Distrib. Div. Divers. Dk. Dkt. Doc. Doctr. Domest. Dr. Durh. dyslog. E. Afr. E. Angl. E. Anglian e. g. E. Ind. e. midl. e. E.D.D. E.E.T.S. e.g. East Ind. east. Eccl. Hist. Eccl. Law Eccl. Eccles. Ecclus. Ecol. Econ. ed. Edin. Edinb. Eds. Educ. Edw. Eg. Egyptol. Elec. Electr. Engin. Electr. Electro-magn. Electro-physiol. Elem. Eliz. Elizab. ellipt. Emb. Embryol. emph. Encycl. Brit. Encycl. Metrop. Encycl. Eng. Engin. Englishw. Enq. Ent. Enthus. Entom. Entomol. Enzymol. Ep. Eph. Ephes. Epil. Episc. Epist. Epit. erron. Esd. esp. Esq. Ess. Essent. Establ. Esth. et seq. Ethnol. etym. etymol. euphem. Eval. Evang. Evid. Evol. Ex. Exs. Exalt. Exam. exc. Exch. Exec. Exerc. Exhib. Exod. Exped. Exper. Explan. Explic. Explor. Expos. Ext. Ezek. f. Fab. fam. famil. Farew. Feb. Fed. fem. Ff. Fifesh. fig. Figs. fl. fn. Footpr. Forfarsh. Fortif. Fortn. Found. Fr. Fragm. Fratern. freq. Friendsh. Ft. Fund. Furnit. fut. Gal. Gard. Gastron. Gaz. Gd. Gen. Geo. Geog. Geogr. Geol. Geom. Geomorphol. Ger. gerund. Glac. Glasg. Glos. Gloss. Glouc. Gloucestersh. Gosp. Gov. Govt. Gr. Gram. Gramm. Analysis Gt. Gynaecol. H.O.P. Hab. Haematol. Hag. Hampsh. Handbk. Hants. Heb. Hebr. Hen. Her. Herb. Heref. Hereford. Herefordsh. Hertfordsh. Hierogl. hist. Histol. Hldgs. Hom. Hon. Horol. Hort. Hos. Hosp. Househ. Housek. Husb. Hydraul. Hydrol. i. e. I. I.D. i.e. Ichth. Icthyol. Id. Ideol. Ie. II. III. Ill. Illustr. Imag. imit. Immunol. imp. imperf. impers. impf. Impr. improp. Inaug. Inc. incl. Inclos. Ind. indef. indic. indir. indus. Industr. Rel. Industr. infin. Infl. Innoc. Inorg. Inq. ins. Inst. Instr. int. Intell. Interc. interj. Interl. Internat. Interpr. interrog. intr. intrans. Intro. Introd. Inv. Invert. Zool. Invertebr. Investig. Investm. Invoc. Ir. Irel. irreg. Isa. Ital. IV. IX. J. P. J.P. Jahrb. Jan. Jap. Jas. Jer. joc. Josh. Jr. Jrnl. Jrnls. Jud. Judg. Jul. Jun. Jurisd. Jurisdict. Jurispr. Justif. Justific. K. Kgs. King’s Bench Div. Kingd. Knowl. Kpr. l. Lab. Lam. Lanc. Lancash. Lancs. Lang. Langs. Lat. lb. lbs. Ld. Lds. Lect. Leechd. Leg. Leicest. Leicester. Leicestersh. Leics. Lev. Lex. Libr. Limnol. Lincolnsh. Lincs. Ling. Linn. lit. Lithogr. Lithol. Liturg. Litig. ll. Lond. Lt. Ltd. Ltda. m. M.D. Macc. Mach. Mag. Magn. Maj. Mal. Man. Managem. Manch. Manip. Manuf. Mar. masc. Mass. Math. Matt. Meas. Measurem. Mech. Med. Medit. Mem. Merc. Merch. Messrs. Metall. Metallif. Metallogr. Metamorph. Metaph. metaphor. Meteorol. Meth. metr. gr. Metrop. Mex. mgmt. Mic. Mich. Microbiol. Microsc. midl. Mil. Milit. min. Mineral. Misc. Miscell. mispr. mod. Monum. Morphol. Mortg. Mr. Mrs. MS. MSS. Mt. Mtg. Mts. Munic. Munif. Munim. Mus. Myst. Mythol. N. Afr. N. Amer. N. Carolina N. Dakota N. Ir. N. Irel. n. N.E. N.E.D. N.S. Wales N.S.W. N.T. N.W. N.Y. N.Z. Nah. Narr. Narrat. Nat. Hist. Nat. Philos. Nat. Sci. Nat. Naut. Nav. Navig. Neh. Neighb. Nerv. Neurol. Neurosurg. New Hampsh. Newc. Newspr. no. nom. nonce-wd. Nonconf. Non-conf. Norf. north. Northamptonsh. Northants. Northumb. Northumbld. Northumbr. Norw. Norweg. Nos. Notts. Nov. ns. Nucl. Num. Numism. NYSE: O.E.D. O.T. Obad. Obed. Obj. obl. obs. Observ. Obstet. Obstetr. Med. Obstetr. Occas. Occup. Occurr. Oceanogr. Oct. Off. Offic. Okla. Ont. Ophthalm. Ophthalmol. opp. Opt. Orac. Ord. Org. Chem. Org. Organ. Chem. orig. Orkn. Ornith. Ornithol. Orthogr. Outl. Oxf. Oxfordsh. Oxon. OZ. P. R. p. p.m. P.O. pa. pple. pa. t. pa. Pac. Palaeobot. Palaeogr. Palaeont. Palaeontol. par. para. Paraphr. paras. Parasitol. Parl. Parnass. pars. Pathol. PC. Peculat. Penins. perf. perh. Periodontol. Pers. Persec. personif. Perthsh. Pet. Petrogr. Petrol. pf. Ph.D. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Pharmacol. Phil. Philad. Philem. Philipp. Philol. Philos. Phoen. phonet. Phonol. Photog. Photogr. phr. Phrenol. Phys. Physical Chem. Physical Geogr. Physiogr. Physiol. Pict. pl. plur. Pol. Econ. Pol. Polit. Polytechn. Porc. Port. poss. Posth. Postm. Pott. pp. ppl. a. ppl. adj. ppl. adjs. ppl. pple. pples. pr. pple. pr. Pract. prec. pred. predic. Pref. Preh. Prehist. prep. Prerog. pres. pple. pres. Presb. Preserv. Prim. Princ. priv. prob. Probab. Probl. Proc. Prof. Prol. pron. pronunc. prop. propr. Pros. Prov. Provid. Provinc. Provis. Ps. pseudo-arch. pseudo-dial. pseudo-Sc. Psych. Psychoanal. Psychoanalyt. Psychol. Psychopathol. Pt. Pte. Publ. Purg. Q. Eliz. Q. q.v. Qld. QT. qtd. Quantum Mech. Queen’s Bench Div. quot. quots. R. R.A.F. R.C. R.N. Radiol. Reas. Reb. Rebell. Rec. Reclam. Recoll. Redempt. redupl. Ref. refash. Refl. Refus. Refut. Reg. Regic. Regist. Regr. rel. Relig. Reminisc. Remonstr. Renfrewsh. Rep. repr. Reprod. Rept. Repub. Res. Resid. Resp. Ret. Retrosp. Rev. Revd. Revol. Rhet. Rhode Isl. Rich. Rom. Antiq. Rom. Ross-sh. Roxb. Roy. Rudim. Russ. S. Afr. S. Carolina S. Dakota s. S.A. S.A.S. S.E. S.r.l. S.T.S. s.v. S.W. Sam. Sask. Sat. sc. Scand. Sch. Sci. Scot. Scotl. Script. Sculpt. sec. Seismol. Sel. comm. Sel. Sen. Sept. Ser. Serm. Sess. Settlem. Sev. Sgt. Shaks. Sheph. Shetl. Shropsh. Soc. Sociol. Som. Song of Sol. Song Sol. Sonn. sp. Specif. Specim. Spectrosc. sq. ft. Sq. sq.ft. Sr. SS. St. Stafford. Staffordsh. Staffs. Stat. Statist. Stock Exch. str. Stratigr. Struct. subj. subjunct. subord. cl. subord. Subscr. Subscript. subseq. subst. suff. superl. supp. Suppl. Supplic. Surg. Surv. Sus. syll. Symmetr. Symp. sys. Syst. t. Taxon. techn. Technol. Techs. Telecomm. Telegr. Teleph. Teratol. Terminol. Terrestr. Textbk. Theat. Theatr. Theol. Theoret. Thermonucl. Thes. Thess. Topogr. tr. Trad. Trag. Trans. transf. Transl. Transubstant. Trav. Treas. Treatm. Trib. Trig. Trigonom. Trop. Troub. Troubl. Typog. Typogr. U. S. U.K. U.N. U.S. U.S.A. U.S.A.F. U.S.S.R. ult. Univ. unkn. Unnat. Unoffic. unstr. Urin. usu. Utilit. v. V.P. v.r. v.rr. Va. Vac. Valedict. var. varr. vars. vb. vbl. ns. vbl. vbl.n. vbs. Veg. Phys. Veg. Physiol. Veg. Venet. ver. Vertebr. Vet. Med. Vet. Path. Vet. Sci. Vet. Surg. VI. Vic. Vict. VII. VIII. Vind. Vindic. Virg. Virol. viz. Voc. Vocab. Vol. Vols. Voy. vs. Vulg. W. Afr. W. Ind. W. Indies W. Va. w. Warwicksh. wd. west. Westm. Westmld. Westmorld. Westmrld. Will. Wilts. Wiltsh. Wis. Wisd. wk. Wkly. Wks. Wonderf. Worc. Worcestersh. Worcs. Writ. X. Yd. Yds. Yearbk. Yng. Yorks. Yorksh. Yr. Yrs. Zech. Zeitschr. Zeph. Zoogeogr. Zool. Av. #abbr_num# Art. Est. col. tel. Tel. Fax. fax. max. p. pp. Ref. No. #properNames# memoQ iPhone iTunes iPad eBay signoSign § The citation was from Amtsbl. M91. This is a test. memoQ rocks. § 61 of the law applies. This should xx. NOT SEGMENT WELL. That is governed by Art. A5 of the bylaws, not Art. 7 of the EU Directive. This is all that (Mr. James, etc.) MY attorney had to say.