00:29:16 Edie Cochetti: week 3 day 13 00:31:38 Edie Cochetti: I see it as being clothed in the NIV 00:34:33 Edie Cochetti: I see patience as drawing from myself inward in order to get thru 00:36:26 Edie Cochetti: There are two sides of the coin for me in patience, my side and that of my kids 00:37:28 Edie Cochetti: My son was my caretaker at the very beginning. Even though I know they are frustrated inwardly, but they have never shown that to me, because I was always patient with them as they were both growing up. 00:40:27 Edie Cochetti: Mine is Job 00:49:58 Edie Cochetti: incline, have a tendency to do something 00:50:18 Edie Cochetti: or willing to do something 00:51:43 Edie Cochetti: When we have patience, we reap goodness that comes our wy 00:51:50 Susan Dixson: thanks Edie 00:52:32 Edie Cochetti: from God 00:53:57 Edie Cochetti: Could you read earlier from that please? 00:57:02 Edie Cochetti: When I first became sick, I lost not only my health, my job, my home, my car, and my independence. Yes, it was a negative experience, but although my faith is not as deep as it is now, i still prayed to God 00:58:21 Edie Cochetti: Now I look at those at only things of the flesh, nothing of importance to me. Myself and my kids were the main thing that God saved! 01:00:39 Susan Dixson: AMEN 01:10:13 Edie Cochetti: Never ever give up 01:26:19 Edie Cochetti: When I say we get answers in His time, It took me about 12 years before I got a diagnosis and answers and I am better than I was then, so I am so thankful to the Lord that I was patient in wiating for my answers 01:26:59 Edie Cochetti: When we receive goodness back from God, it should not be selfish