Just to recap what you learned in my last video, I taught you about the latest online threats such as ransomware, which is designed to hold your data hostage unless you pay $25,000 to get it back. We talked about fake anti-virus ads designed to infect your computer. Finally, I walked you through how to understand if your PC or webcam has already been hacked, and if you’re being watched. If you haven't seen it, you can watch it at http://internetsafetyuniversity.com/h...
In this third installment of my FREE video series, I’d like to change the pace a little. You see, over the last six years, I’ve been watching friend’s account after friend’s account being hacked, and I’ve been going on the Six o'clock news to talk about how people’s photos are being used by scammers who’ve created fake, and look-a-like profiles to scam unsuspecting friends. These people all had some things in common.
1. They all had lousy and weak passwords, and
2. Their photos were all set to public mode, which means I don’t even have to be connected to you in order to view or download your photos.
Now, many of you are on Facebook, so I want to show you how you can lock down the security of your profile to make sure it isn’t revealing too much personal data. Not only that, if someone does get a hold of your password, they won’t be able to login once we activate the ultra-secure Facebook security feature.
Be sure to share this video with your contacts, and feedback is always welcome. Enjoy!
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